Different Bow Ties to Explore When Learning How To Tie A Tie

The sky is the limit where modern fashion, and this is no exception where bow ties are concerned. There are many methods available on how to tie a tie, as there are types of bow ties. This blog post describes various shapes and styles that you may consider when shopping for bow ties. Read on.

Butterfly Shape

This borrows its name from its resemblance to a butterfly. It is a preferred option for evening bow ties. It is tied in such a way that the knot is tiny, and the wings are large and beautiful, just like a butterfly. If you want a long-lasting bow tie, avoid bow ties that are either too big or too small. The size of your head should also guide you in selecting the size of your butterfly tie. A big head requires a big bow tie and vice versa.

Batwing Bow Tie

This rectangular-shaped tie is slim around the neckband, and it makes for a big knot. It might appear harder to tie when learning how to tie a tie and a bit boring but certainly requires a good combination of a shirt and coat to make a difference. It is a popular choice for a laid back person as it does not draw much attention.

Pointed End Bow Tie

This has the shape of a diamond, and it has the benefit of appearing different all the time, depending on the possibility of pulling it a bit more on either side. All the time, this tie option appears asymmetrical since its pointed edge faces the front while the other pointed edge faces the back. Generally, it is perfect for daywear as it has a certain level of casualness while appearing formal at the same time. It is a highly versatile option.

When learning how to tie a tie, you must come along with various tie materials that are used today. The material that you go for is personal and should also complement the other clothes and the occasion. Happy shopping.

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